About Us

This is who we are.

Webmaster Timothy Tyree

Timothy is entering his third year in the Physics PhD program within the Department of Physics at UC San Diego and is working on a specialization in quantitative biology through the qBio program. He researched a subfield of Biophysics for three years during his undergraduate education at Cornell University, and is developing that interest during his graduate education with the aid of the NIH funded Quantitative Integrative Physiology training grant (Grant #: T32GM127235). His research is aimed at aiding those with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillations. During his undergraduate education he majored in Physics and Mathematics at Cornell University, where he received a instruction in nonlinear dynamics, continuum dynamics, computational physics and general computer science. He seems engrossed in the cardiac literature, and he has taken two courses in quantum field theory and a course in quantum information theory all taught by Prof. John McGreevy at the University of California, San Diego.
The difference between learning how to program and learning programing is the sort of message that when you get it, you hang up.

meet the team


Timothy Tyree

Webmaster, Biophysics Graduate Student

University of California, San Diego

Department of Physics


Patrick Murphy

Resident Theorist, Visiting Graduate Student

University of Utah

Department of Mathematics


Wouter-Jan Rappel

Principal Investigator, Professor of Physics

University of California, San Diego

Department of Physics